
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Happy Holidays!

What a busy month this has been!  We have been busy making lots of crafts, reviewing our sight words, reading, writing, and learning about 3D shapes.  Thank you for all of your hard work at home.

As we prepare for a break, keep in mind how much your child has learned in these last 77 days of school.  Please continue to enjoy books at home, encourage your child to write lists or journals and continue to count and use math skills daily.  It will keep your child on pace as we enter the second half of the school year.

Although we are all ready for a break and time with family and those we hold dearest in our hearts, I will truly miss your children.  I have been blessed to see their smiling faces and feel their warm hugs each day.  Thank you for sharing what is most precious to you with me.

Enjoy some pictures of our "Gingerbread Christmas Trees" from Germany!

Frosting our trees!

Look at that concentration...

Maddy really enjoys frosting.


What a beautiful tree!

More creations....

Adding our ornaments.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello new Kindergarten parents!  Welcome to Mrs. Torian's Garden.  I hope you will stop by often to check in on the class of 2025.

As you know, we are now in the second grading period.  Your children have really blossomed since they joined Beaver Nation in August.  We have learned how to write our names correctly, count and represent numbers to 20, learned about animal movement, and began to write sentences.

We will continue all of that during the next nine weeks.  In addition, we have moved into properties of matter, sorting objects using several attributes, shapes and geometry, and the blends -th, -sh, and ch.  We will continue to write using the sounds we hear to create and spell words.

Thank you for all that you do!  Enjoy some pictures from the first nine weeks or learning!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Reading

Summer is here!  What a wonderful time to relax with a good book.  Spend some time this summer reading with your child.  Remember, children are never too old to be read to.  Do you have a special book that you loved as a child?  Read it to your child!  Take turns reading chapters to each other.  Make reading a family event.  Here are some of my favorites:

Ramona Quimby, Age 8
Ramona and Her Father
Little House on the Prairie Series
Where the Red Fern Grows

These are just a few.  Visit your local library and find some of your favorites.  Happy Reading!